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The Carbon Component library gives developers (Front End Developers & Engineers) a collection of re-usable HTML and Sass partials they can use for building websites and user-interfaces for Bluemix. The aim is for all developers to use consistent markup, styles, and behavior in their prototype and production work.


There are a few ways to get started. Before installing Carbon Components, make sure you set up your SSH key on GitHub Enterprise. You may also need to set up your SSH key on Jenkins or Travis if you use those for continuous integration or deployment.


Carbon Components is published to a private npm registry maintained by Bluemix Ops Console team.

Before installing with npm, you must create an .npmrc file - you can create this in the root of your project folder or on your computer's ~ directory.

$ touch .npmrc

Next, write the following into your .npmrc file:


If you haven't done so already, create a package.json for your project:

$ npm init

Finally, install Carbon Components with npm.

$ npm install @console/bluemix-components --save


We also publish Carbon Components to a private bower registry.
It's required to set up your SSH Key on GitHub Enterprise and on Jenkins or Travis if you use those as well.

Create a bower.json file:

$ bower init

Create a .bowerrc file in the root of your project directory and write the following config:

{ "registry": "" }

Finally, install the bower package.

$ bower install bluemix-components --save
